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Clock 0.3 for phpWebSite
updated by rck, 2005-03-26

Have a lot of visitors from different timezones? Always to late because you're playing around with your homepage? Bored to death and want something that changes after a while on your screen?

Or do you simply want to create your very own phpWebSite module? If you answered yes to any of those questions clock is for you.

0.3 now contains the danish language file, translated by Lasse Skov from LiquidArt. Thank you!

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What it does

It shows “Morning”, “Noon”, “Afternoon”, “Evening” or “Night”, depending on the current server time

If you click its icon, it can be found in the My Modules tab of the Control Panel, it will show the current time in hour : minutes.

And, it's the first module I wrote supporting language-files. The ones for english and german are included. If you want to translate it, make sure to give me a copy!

How to install it

Download clock_0.3.tar.gz(6741), put it in your mod-directory and boost it in.

How to rip it apart

If you're a developer, you'd probably like to know how it works. I'll give you a quick introduction on the next page.

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  • Clock Module

    Posted on 2005-05-03 04:34:56 By Anonymous

    I, and probably many others, have a small problem with the time settings on phpws. Not a phpws problem, but a problem because there is no way to change the time settings for phpws.

    I use a hosting company in USA (because it is cheap and reliable), however, I am based in Singapore and phpws obviously takes its time from the server. The problem being that I can never make sense of stats (daily stats are split over 2 days because of time zone mismatch) and calender is always half a day behind.

    Could clock evolve to become a standard module for phpws which controls all time settings for the site and allow time zone offset selection?


    Brett Shadbolt

    [Reply ]

    • Re: Clock Module

      Posted on 2005-05-04 22:56:08 By rck[110]

      changed On 2005-05-04 22:57:20 Edited By rck (reason: )

      To be honest: I don't think so. Right now, the time configuration is read out of a config-file during the startup of phpWebSite. Making clock do these kinds of things would require hacking core classes which I don't like to do as phpWebSite is constantly evolving and I'd have to provide patches all the time.

      But: You could do a feature request on SourceForge, maybe in a more abstract form like "I'd like to be able to configure phpWebSite through a webinterface instead of the command line". And give the timezones thing as an example.

      you have a very nice site, btw!

      [Reply ]

  • Clock

    Posted on 2005-08-11 23:13:03 By Anonymous

    Maybe I can't see it for looking at it,
    but I think you should have the clock module visible/running on your page.
    If it is there, sorry to bother you.
    But I'd like to see what it does before I install it.

    [Reply ]

    • Re: Clock

      Posted on 2005-08-12 08:08:05 By rck[110]

      I don't have it running here, sorry. Maybe you can set up a test installation and run it there? If you'd like to do some developing, I'd recommend a dedicated test site for that anyway.

      [Reply ]

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