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Health 1.1 for phpWebSite
updated by rck, 2008-04-29

Health is a module that checks a couple of things as soon as you are logged in as deity. That way, it ensures a nice and sound environment for phpWebSite and helps discover problems before they occur.

1.1 has been released earlier than planned. Manual mode from 1.0 contained the wrong checksum, as noticed by billypurdue. 1.1 has a working manual mode as well as a new “show user variables” tool.

What it does

As soon as you log in as a deity, Site Health shows you warnings and errors concerning your phpwebsite configuration right now. As soon as you've boosted it in, it will check free disk space on some strategic directories, the php version, and a couple of other settings.

How to install it

get health_1.1.tar.gz(6872) here and boost it like any other module. If you're experiencing any warnings or errors, please contact the phpws forums.

For suggestions and ideas concerning the module itself, please contact me via my phpWebSite forum

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