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I've got another two spam-mails to my webmaster-account at my domain. That does it, I strike back! I've deployed Sugar Plum today on my site.
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New Features: Clearer layout, User rankings, Show postings, show newest posting of Forums on the overview. And: I indeed like it.
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I had an idea on Sunday. What, if I'd try to make phpWebSite look less like a content management system and more like a Designers site?
While I am no designer, far from it, I did some googling and came up with a nice singlecolumn layout. Combine it with a banner-image and the corresponding Swatches and you get Emotions. Or Schloss.
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It took me quite some time to get this right, so why not write it down? There are a couple of articles regarding vertical centering with CSS (which is bloody complicated). But, at least Yuhu's Definitive Solution with Unknown Height is very fragile and doesn't work anymore, as soon as you start centering or text-aligning it right.
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a2html is a lex-program, which I wrote back in May 2004. I've encountered some problems while pasting JAVA-Sourcecode in phpWebSite, which hindered me on adding examples to my Tutorials. As I've been using Lex for another lecture of my study at the same time, I put it to good use here as well.
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Usually, caching is good. It saves rendering time and makes websites snappier. Most interesting: This isn't always true for phpWebSite. It sure isn't in my case. I can feel a big speed improvement now after turning the Cache off, regular visitors might as well. No one knows, why. Even the readme states, there could be a speed improvement by turning it off
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This is a great update! Elroy not only fixed the bbcode troubles, he also made ... drumroll... dynamically changing input boxes! Article Manager will now show you Textareas & Text-Inputboxes, that are as wide as the column you put it in with the layout manager.
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One of the toughtest exams of my study for me was "Mathematics 1". I've been trying to pass it since 1996. Today, I got mail from Prof. Karigl: I've passed. It is done.
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Sometimes, you'd simply like to know the current colordepth and screensize. On a foreign computer, for example. I've found & implemented a script, which does exactly that. And even shows you the available height & width. Could be handy for Webdesigners!
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Today I had my first "Californian Workout". I guess, I know now, why Corvette driving girls of San Jose are that good looking. And it sure was fun!
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Thanks to a patch by Yves, we now have smilies on kiesler.at as well! Let's take a brief tour on how you use them.
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121 - 132 of 225 Articles | Rows to show per page: : 5 10 25 50 |
updated by freddiemac1993, 2013-06-14
Re: adventures
created by brittdavis10, 2012-02-23 (1 rply, 3 views)
Re: how to run phpwebsite...
created by alexander, 2011-08-25 (2 rpls, 3607 views)
Re: Forum tags
created by HaroldFaragher, 2011-08-22 (3 rpls, 8488 views)