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Easing GoogleBots life

updated by rck, 2006-05-02
Easing GoogleBots life

Googlebot the well-known crawler. A while ago, a new beta program of Google started. Google Sitemaps. There, Webmasters can upload sitemaps of their sites. Thus, pages not even linked properly can be made accessible to Googlebot easier.

Uploading happens with a well-defined XML format, which is specified on the Google Sitemaps homepage. I made a little php program to generate such sitemaps automatically out of the installation of a phpWebSite. You can even specify multiple phpWebSites on the same server and let the program generate a site map for each.

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Google defends Bombing

updated by rck, 2005-09-18
Google defends Bombing

...and by bombing I don't mean bombing Iraq. No, the term Google Bombing actually refers to something else, spamming Google by doing lots of links with a given anchor text.

In a recent post of the Google Blog, the major player of the search engine market itself defends this practice. It's reflecting the current opinion on the Internet and thus needs to be respected, they write in an article to be remembered.

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Google Earth

updated by rck, 2005-06-30
Google Earth

Google Maps is a huge success. And a nice example for another successful Google application. Too bad that there are only maps about US and UK.

Google Earth is the next cartography attempt of Google. And it's even more successful. It is apparently so successfull that Google even had to temporarily disable the download of it. Download? Yes, it's a windows program, based on Direct X.

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Pagerank 5

updated by rck, 2005-04-26
Pagerank 5

Today it occured to me, that my Firefox PR Extension showed PR 5 instead of the PR 4. Just for curiosities sake I did a quick Search for “Pagerank 5” on Google and guess what? It came up with more than 31.000 links!

People are insane. Why would they write about Pagerank 5? Joen Asmussen for example did a note on his blog about it, like this one.

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Order me

updated by rck, 2004-10-05
Order me

I've just discovered, some was looking for me. In Google. He entered "Rene Kiesler" as a search string. How interesting. So I had a look, what google was finding.

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Google ist sechs Jahre alt!

updated by rck, 2004-09-07
Google ist sechs Jahre alt! Ständige Googlebenutzer -- und wer ist das nicht -- haben es schon bemerkt: Google feiert seinen sechsten Geburtstag.

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Keine neuen Cliés mehr

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Keine neuen Cliés mehr ...zumindest außerhalb Japans nicht mehr. Somit wurde der Handheldmarkt von 3 auf 2 Anbieter reduziert.

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Google ermöglicht grafische Werbung

updated by rck, 2004-05-16
Google ermöglicht grafische Werbung So, es ist soweit. Die Zeit der Nur-Text Werbung auf Google ist vorbei, jetzt kann man auch mit Bildern Werbung betreiben. Wie lange lassen wohl noch die ursprünglich von Google abgelehnten Popups auf sich warten?

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Google Suchergebnisse

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Google Suchergebnisse Ich habe für eine größere Suchmaschinenübersicht diverse Suchmaschinen gegeneinander antreten lassen. In diesem Beitrag finden sich die Details zu den Google-Suchergebnissen.

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