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Random Guide to whatever
updated by rck, 2004-10-10

Another case of trying out the swallow hack 0.2. This time, I'm shuffling some sections around. Enjoy!

0 < n < 100

Seit ich das Inline-Assemblerkonzept kenne, habe ich mich immer wieder vor "purem" Assembler gedr�ckt. Bis jetzt jedes mal erfolgreich. Und die eingesparte Zeit kann man dann zB f�r das Schreiben solcher Tutorials verwenden... ;-)

Inline-Assembler spielt seine wahren St�rken bei Speicherzugriffen (Stichwort: Alignment) und Schleifen (Stichwort: Label) aus. Auch bei kleinen Aufgabenstellungen, f�r die ein "richtiges" Assemblerprogramm zu m�hsam w�re, kann man mit Inline-Assembler Performance gewinnen (siehe asma).

100 < n < 200

Lex wurde von Mike Lesk entwickelt und ist Teil des POSIX Standards. Geh�rt also zu so ziemlich jeder Unix-Distribution dazu.

Mike Lesk, Professor an der Rutgers University, hat neben lex auch das unverzichtbare grep entwickelt, welches, wie wir sehen werden, bei n�herer Betrachtung sehr mit lex verwandt ist.

Weitere Beitr�ge zur Unix-Gemeinschaft von Mike Lesk sind beispielsweise uucp (Datei�bertragung, Verwandter von ftp), tbl (Tabellen-Formatierer f�r troff, der Layoutengine von man), refer (f�r Bibliographische Referenzen in groff) und noch ein paar andere Tools.

200 < n < 300

16. August 2004

Customer - 08/16/2004 08:28 AM
Dear Sony Team!

I am proud owner of one of the last Sony Cli�s in Europe, a Sony Cli� TH-55. I'd like to have a corresponding docking Station, which isn't available in Europe anymore.

Because of this, I'd like to get it right from America. What kind of details would you need in order to send me a PEGA-UC55 USB Cradle?

How much would the shipping be? How many are there still available or is America out of stock as well?


Ren� C. Kiesler!

17. August 2004

Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry regarding the PEGA-UC55 CLIE USB Cradle. does not ship its products outside US and hence we do not have the shipping information. However, you can contact any friend or relative of yours in US to place the order for you and later ship it to your place. You may also contact Sony Authorized Internet Dealers who can ship Sony products outside the United States.

Sony values your business and interest in Sony products. is only able to fulfill orders within the United States. Please visit the following URL for information on ordering products in your country:

You can view the Sony Authorized Internet dealers at the following URL:

The Sony Style team is available to assist you with further inquiries.

18. August 2004

Dear Sony Team!

As i mentioned, the cradle is SOLD OUT in whole of europe. That's an official answer of Sony Europe i've got on monday. I can forward you the mail I got, it's written german.

I don't have any relatives or friends in US, could you name any Sony Authorized Internet Dealers, which have the cradle? The ones in your list don't have it.

What I've just figured out is, that:

- 6th Avenue Electronics & Abt Electronics only have Audio-Products.

- This item is not stocked or has been discontinued. Request this item from another seller. Customers also shopped for these similar items.

- AmericanTV only ships within US and doesn't have any PDA stuff

- B&H don't have any Sony Computer products, only other brands.

- Best Buy has only listed 4 PDAs, from which 2 are out of stock. No accessories.

- can't be reached from my Browser

- CameraWorld has mainly Cases for Sony PDAs, and a NR70 as well.

- CarToys only got phones.

- Circuit City has only Palm and HP stuff

- CompUSA has 4 available and 1 sold out Sony PDA. No accessories.

- CostCo only has 4 PocketPC PDAs

- Audio & Video products only.

- Datavision Computer Video: 4 PDAs, various accessories, but no cradle.

- Fry's Outpost: various Palm-Cradles, but no Cli� Cradles.

- only have audio/video products

- Hammacher Schlemmer: Sorry, we couldn't find "UC55". Here are some products that may be of interest to you.

- Harvey Electronics: portables: Sorry, no items found. Search for "UC55": Sorry, no items matched your search criteria.

- HelloDirect: has only phone-stuff

- only audio/video products.

- We were unable to find an item that matched UC55. Please try again.

- J&R: even has a modem, but no cradles.

- JCPenny: audio / video / playstation 2

- audio / video

- MediaPlay: DVDs, CDs and games

- Mike's Camera: video and still cameras

- Musician's Friends: audio stuff

- Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

- audio / video

- P C Richard: only VAIO notebooks, no Clies

- Photo Alley: video and still cameras

- only Clie Cases

- SamGoody: DVDs, CDs and games

- 3 sony pdas, various audio products. No cradle.

- Smarthome: Your search - UC55 - did not match any products in Smarthome.

- Search for UC55: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8', Object required: 'root', /classes/i_error_class.asp, line 53, XML document must have a top level element.

- State Street Direct: out of business?

- StereoAdvantage: 2 carrying cases, various styluses

- SunCoast: DVDs, CDs and games

- Target: UC55 matches 3 books, of which none has to do with the craddly I want.

- The Great Indoors: Error Level :1, Error Code :17160, Error Reason :BVC_ContentManager::categoryInfo() failed. (#17160), Additional Info:THERE ARE NO PRODUCTS FOR THIS BRAND

- audio / video

- only one 3rd party PDA

- Video & Audio Center: only has a travel kit, besides a couple of Sony PDAs.

- We're sorry, Sony Store is no longer available.

- WolfCamera: still camera / video

Any further suggestions?


Rene C. Kiesler!

19. August 2004

Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry.

At present we do not have a list of dealers who stock the PEGA-UC55 CLIE USB Cradle.

You will have to contact local dealers in your country in this regard.

The Sony Style team is available to assist you with further inquiries

19. August 2004

Ok. I've already written it three times. I'll try again.

I am from Austria. Austria is part of Europe, as for example Texas is part of America.

And thus, when I write the UC55 is sold out in whole of Europe, it's sold out in Austria (=my local dealer) as well.

To put it in other words: My local dealer can't sell me the cradle that should have been included from the start because he's out of stock.

So please assist me, as you write, with getting one.

At present, Sony America seems to be the only shop which still has a cradle. Time is running out, as it seems Sony stopped making them.

19. August 2004

Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry.

I suggest that you send a request form to our Parts and Accessories Department from the following site regarding this.

The Sony Style team is available to assist you with further inquiries.

19. August 2004

Thank you, I've just sent an inquiry to the Parts center.

here you can see some nonsense article. in case it makes sense, it's all fault of Swallow Hack 0.5 for Article Manager!

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